
Our Features

Help for free and open source Bacula web interface

Bacula is a network backup solution. Bacularis is a web interface for Bacula.

Do you find Bacula difficult to use?

Bacularis is designed to help users use Bacula.

We don't know everything but we know Bacularis

This is our company's motto.

Using our services, you help Bacularis

Bacularis is free. We provide financing for the project.

We develop Bacularis

We love developing it. This service is a place where our passion meets with job.

Our Services

We Provide Professional Services For Bacularis

Bacularis packages for popular operating systems that are easily installed and upgraded.

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If you have a problem with Bacularis, we are able to help you. Please look at the support plan.

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Would you like to co-fund a feature in Bacularis? We offer development on-demand.

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In case questions or doubts, please send us a message by e-mail.

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Some Important FAQ's

Common Frequently Asked Questions

A: Yes, of course it is. Nothing changes on this side. You can download and use Bacularis with all freedoms defined in AGPLv3 license. Source code of Bacularis is available in the GitHub repository. You can install it for free.

A: To focus on the web interface development in 100% and to finance the Bacularis Project we started providing additional services to Bacularis. There is available a subscription to binary packages if you want to use them on larger number of hosts. We also offer per incident support.

A: We are a company targeted on services for the Bacula web interface. Our mission is to help users use Bacula with Bacularis.

From Blog

News And Updates

Read what is new in the Bacularis world.

Marcin Haba
Sep 15, 2024
New release Bacularis 4.1.0

Bacularis 4.1.0 is out. We released a new version of the Bacularis Bacula web interface.

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Marcin Haba
Aug 25, 2024
Action - Bacula for Everybody!

In the Bacularis Project we are starting a new action named "Bacula for Everybody!" which the main goal is to popularize using Bacula.

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Marcin Haba
Aug 25, 2024
New release Bacularis 4.0.0

We are proud to let you know that we released a new major Bacularis version 4.0.0.

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